The Details of NW Natural Climate Change Lawsuit

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By Parul

nw natural climate change lawsuit

There is a serious lawsuit in court pitting Multnomah County in Oregon and a famous NW  natural. NW natural is a famous regional gas utility that has been in business for many years with great reputation in the gas business. In the lawsuit, NW natural has been accused of issuing misleading information to the public about the role their natural gas plays in climate change.

While the lawsuit against NW natural gas is very weighty, it is unprecedent as this is the first time a gas company is facing charges in court of law over deception by giving misleading information to the public. While the nw natural climate change lawsuit revolves around the issue of deception and issuing false information to the public, the plaintiff wants NW gas to be held legally accountable for the role the gas their company emits plays to the environment.

The plaintiff in the lawsuit alleges that NW natural has played a very big role in the effects of adverse negative climate change and therefore should be held accountable for that. To make it even worse, it is alleged that NW natural conveyed misleading information to the public about the role the gas emitted by their company plays in climate change.

The One-of-a-Kind Lawsuit

The nw natural climate change lawsuit is one of a kind and unprecedented for that matter. There has never been such a lawsuit before and one in which a company is directly accused of climate change and the role their products play in climate change. While it is normal for companies especially gas companies to emit poisonous and harmful gases to the air, very few of them get sued for that. In that case therefore, one can only ask the question so why is NW natural gas company being sued while other companies in the same business have not faced similar charges before?

Well, it turns out that the issue with NW is not really about the gases the company emits to the environment but rather the communication the company made to the public about their gas products. It is claimed that while NW natural knew about the impacts of their gas emissions on the environment, they downplayed them in their marketing communication to the public. This act where the company was fully aware of the impacts of their gas to environment and still downplayed them was seen as downright deception which is fully deserving of legal accountability.

NW Response to the NW Natural Climate Lawsuit

While the charges against NW natural appears to be serious likely to result in some serious legal ramifications in the end, the company appears to be less shaken by whatever is going on.  NE natural in its response to the nw natural climate change lawsuit has denied all the charges against it. This is normal and happens most of the time when big corporates deny deception charges whenever they come up against them.  As to whether the company will be found innocent or guilty is something that people will have to wait until when the case will be concluded to find out.


The nw natural climate change lawsuit is one of the many lawsuits currently in court against big corporations for issuing deceptive remarks about their company or products. The lawsuit seeks to hold NW accountable for issuing remarks considered deceptive about their gas products and their role in damaging the environment.

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