Taylor Sheridan Lawsuit Free Rein Coffee

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By LawGC

Alright, it kinda is true that if you love Yellowstone (the TV show), you probably know the name Taylor Sheridan. Correct us if we’re wrong. As we all know, he is the one who created the show, but apart from that, do you know he has a coffee brand too? Yes! He’s a coffee brand owner in the country! Like, in addition to crafting the show’s scripts, he is also the owner of Bosque Ranch, how about that now? Then, in June 2023, the man partnered with a coffee franchise known as Community Coffee and launched a coffee with the same name Bosque Ranch Coffee. The coffee celebrates and embodies cowboy culture. This coffee is bold, smooth, and inspired by the cowboy life, and that is precisely what a lot of people like about this brand. 

Taylor Sheridan Lawsuit Free Rein Coffee

By this point, if you think like this is all well and good, then what is the actual problem? Well, you see, things are kinda getting interesting now. Why and how? Well, first of all, Cole Hauser, the actor who plays Rip Wheeler in Yellowstone, loves coffee. And yes, in fact, he started his own coffee brand Free Rein Coffee in October 2023. As we all know, Hauser’s brand, like Sheridan’s coffee, is about the cowboys and their willing hard work. In interviews, Hauser says that he loves coffee so much that he will drink up to five cups a day! 

And now, Taylor Sheridan is seeing Cole Hauser, mainly because his brand’s logo looks way too similar to the Bosque Ranch’s official logo. And according to him, that is what is causing a lot of misunderstanding within the customer base, and that is precisely why we’re seeing this Taylor Sheridan Lawsuit Free Rein Coffee thing in action. 

The Problem

Though, you see, everything was alright until 21 November 2023 when Taylor Sheridan’s company Bosque Ranch sued Hauser’s Free Rein Coffee, and we already told you the reason for that. You know, like, in a Texas court, Free Rein’s logo will go through a trademark infringement case as it looks way too similar to the Bosque Ranch logo. If you’re thinking like this is no big deal, and just a small matter, well, the thing is, this small thing can cause a lot of harm to the Bosque Ranch brand if their customers believe that the other brand’s coffee is actually theirs, but it isn’t in reality. So, we hope now you get the point, and understand that the concern of Taylor Sheridan is justified. 

Like, Sheridan believes people might get confused and think both brands are connected when they’re actually not. Just so you know though, the letters “B” and “R” are together in Bosque Ranch’s logo. Free Rein’s logo, on the other hand, has “F” and “R”.  Sheridan sees this as wicked and confusing for buyers, and it could very well be just that. 

What Sheridan Really Wants

Do you think like Sheridan will let it go like anything, and won’t cause a scene since it matters the most for his brand? Nah! He’s sticking up for the fight, and we’re seeing just that in action. Like, in his lawsuit, he claims Free Rein Coffee is infringing on his trademark and engaging in unfair competition and false advertising, simple as that. First of all, he wants the court to make Free Rein stop using the logo.  He also wants them to take down and destroy any item or advertisement with the design they use.

Though, if you think that is just it, well, you’re wrong. Sheridan also wants some cash. Really? Yes! He wants Free Rein to pay out any profits that were made using the logo, as well as any losses he suffered from his own brand. Along with this, he also wants a jury trial, which means that regular people will choose who’s right and who’s wrong, so, let’s see what’s the conclusion here. 

What’s Hauser Saying?

Well, just like anything else in life, it would be completely unfair to just make the conclusion based on one side’s talks, right? So, to date, Hauser and his staff haven’t said a lot about the lawsuit. But in prior interviews, he talked about how much he loves coffee and how it plays a vital role in his cowboy life, and we know that by this point. Hauser’s coffee brand has names like “American Dirt” and “Heavy Spur” which shows how devoted he is to cowboy culture. Though, right now, it’s unknown if Hauser will contest the lawsuit in court or settle behind the scenes, and that is something confusing a lot of people out there. 

But Why Exactly Are Fans So Excited About All This?

You know why this lawsuit is actually getting famous? Well, that’s mainly because this lawsuit is between the two famous star actors from the Yellowstone show, and that is what makes this scene even more interesting. Like, there has been a lot of drama concerning the show, like lead actor Kevin Costner leaving and feuds with the crew. And for many fans out there, this is another piece of drama that is going on recently. And whoever watched the show, will continue to follow with this lawsuit as well, we can say THAT for sure. 

By this point, it is clear that this lawsuit has affected Sheridan and Hauser’s friendship, but how long will this go on, that is something no one knows.

What Might Happen Next?

If Sheridan wins, Free Rein Coffee might have to completely change its branding, which could be costly, but sure enough, that would be the legal way forward, no two ways about it. If it is decided that Free Rein Coffee requires the reimbursement of damages, then that may be tough for Hauser’s business, but why exactly? Well, the reason is pretty simple, this is because the coffee industry is a very competitive one. Simple!

Though, on the flip side, if Free Rein shows their logo isn’t too similar, they may be able to continue using it without issue, you know? Another possibility? They might just want to settle privately by agreeing on a few terms. So, if you don’t know what will be the conclusion of all this, then just stay tuned with this lawsuit, and it’ll certainly be worth it.

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