Copper Wire Theft Legislation Lawsuit

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By kaburulu

Copper Wire Theft Legislation Lawsuit

Alright, so, would you even believe that there are people who are stealing copper wires from streetlights? Sounds crazy and insane, but it is a 100% true, and that is happening down there in Minnesota, and that is precisely what has taken the shape of this Copper Wire Theft Legislation Lawsuit as of 2025. So, if you’re someone who isn’t keeping up with whatever is going on in the country, well, this particular case will certainly shock you a bit. You see, this is becoming a huge problem because it is darkening out entire neighborhoods and costing cities money to fix, you know? Like, can you believe St. Paul had to shell out more than $1.2 million just to get wired up again because some thieves stole the wires? And Minneapolis? In the last two years, they spent $545,000. That’s a lot of money to lose, that’s for sure!

And as per the details that are already out, well, a new law is coming to deal with such cases, and it will be impressive to see such a law implemented in the real world. But just like anything else, sure enough, there are some people who aren’t happy with this as well.

So, What’s This New Law About?

First of all, yes, this law is pretty simple, and this is how it works: Let’s say you want to sell scrap copper like a junkie, from Jan 1st, 2025, there will be a license required from the state to do so, or else you’ll not be able to sell it as you can do it right now. But hold on a bit, you see, this state-approved license will cost you $250, and only people who have this license will be allowed to sell copper, simple as that! Any problem with that? Well, most of you wouldn’t, but if you are a contractor/electrician and already have your license then you do need to get another one. That’s how things will work from now on. 

Though, keep in mind, this law isn’t for all, like not for small sellers. All in all, yes, this law only applies to larger sales, like copper cables and wires used by utilities. If you’re recycling a little copper (old pots and pens, for example), you’re safe. If you’re recycling a couple of bucks worth of wire here and there, you’re good. Nothing to worry about here. 

And sure enough, Officials at City Hall believe the law will help prevent thieves from stealing copper and help City Hall save a considerable amount for the repair work. But this is not how the scrap metal industry sees it, they see it as a problem in their way, but this law is there to fix things, and we’ll only see its effect down the line once it is successfully implemented and followed properly. 

Why Exactly Are Scrap Metal Businesses Unhappy? Like, What’s The Actual Reason?

As you can already tell, this new law is actually all about controlling the sale of copper, especially scrap copper, is making scrapyard owners kinda unhappy, and why shouldn’t it? Like, a group of people called the Upper Midwest Chapter of the Recycled Materials Association (ReMA) is even suing the government! But why exactly? Well, sure enough, they believe the law is too tough and will make it difficult to run their businesses.

Their version is pretty simple actually, you see, copper is present in everything from home decor and electronics to car parts and other everyday items. We can all agree to that at least, don’t we? And they’re just saying that if they have to pay for an expensive license just to recycle these things, it will hurt their business as well and people will stop recycling. Simple! So, all in all, they don’t support recycling which will create junk in a landfill.

The scrap dealers are aware that copper theft has become a big issue, but they think there is a better way. You know, like, they think keeping good records would be more effective instead of making people buy costly licenses. As per them, this would be a much better solution, but the people bringing this law think it is not enough. 

What’s Going On Inside The Court?

Well, first of all, you should definitely know that the scrap metal businesses did not just complain about it all, but they actually went on to sue to try and have the law stopped. Like, a judge on December 18, 2024, said no. Yes, completely dismissed! And then, on December 18, 2024, Judge Sara Grewing decided that copper theft causes more problems than scrap, so it was again against the interest of the scrap metal businesses. 

Next, you see, Minnesota’s Attorney General, Keith Ellison has also asked the court to throw out the lawsuit altogether. Just so you know though, in February 2025 both the parties will argue once again when the next hearing occurs.

For the time being, businesses are going to have to live by the law or they will face penalties. Simple as that! For now, they can’t do anything other than just follow the law or else face legal consequences. That’s all!

What Do City Officials Think?

To be honest, from the looks of it, they are quite pleased with the new legislation, which they have been hoping for. You know, like, they think it will make it harder for thieves to sell copper.

Just so you know though, according to St. Paul’s Mayor, Melvin Carter, this law will make sure criminals don’t get away with stealing copper. Like it is true that the working street lights are vital for safety, you wouldn’t argue that or would you? But just to give you perspective on things, like why this law matters, well, Thieves have been stealing wires so fast that sometimes they’re gone just days after being replaced!

What’s Next for the Scrap Metal Businesses?

Well, it is true that they’re still hoping to actually change the law in some way or somehow. They just want to talk to lawmakers about dealing with high-risk materials and not everything. They hope to be allowed more time to adapt to the changes, that’s all! 

If the court doesn’t agree with their arguments, they will have no choice but to follow the new guidelines in 2025. Simple as that!

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