For drivers on the road, right-of-way laws are crucial to preventing accidents. However, after many years on the road, the specific rules of who can go first and when tend to become muddled. The common mistakes drivers make about right of way are dangerous because one wrong move and there can be a collision between vehicles or, perhaps worse, pedestrians.
There are a few specific areas and situations on the road where the vast majority of drivers get confused in this regard. By highlighting each, you can make the smart choice when on the road and do your part in preventing an accident.
Failure to Yield at Stop Signs and Uncontrolled Intersections
The first common area where drivers make mistakes with right of way rules is at stop signs within uncontrolled intersections. Many drivers who approach automatically assume that the other driver who’s slightly behind will yield and continue immediately without waiting.
On the other side of things, many drivers perform a rolling stop at a stop sign. This is dangerous because if another car brakes fully they will believe they have the right of way and go forward, thus potentially leading to an accident.
Remember that when there are no traffic signals or signs guiding traffic, the first person to approach is the one who has the right of way. If there are any pedestrians, though, then they always have the right of way. Bikes should be treated as vehicles in this situation.
Misjudging Right-of-Way at Four-Way Stops
As alluded to, uncontrolled intersections can be challenging as a driver. However, uncontrolled four-way stop intersections are even more confusing. Always remember that the rule to follow is “first to stop, first to go”. Not following this rule can quickly lead to an accident.
In the event you and another car seemingly stop at the exact same time, try to make eye contact with the other driver. Give them a friendly wave to go ahead or proceed forward if they allow you the same courtesy. If it’s darker outside, give a quick flip of your high beams to indicate that you are yielding to them.
Aggressive drivers who try to ignore the rules and force their way through are the main reason for accidents in this situation, so always keep your cool and yield when necessary.
Right-of-Way Errors at Left Turns and Traffic Lights
One of the areas on the road that involves a right of way rule yet sees many accidents is unprotected left turns. Many drivers attempt to “shoot the gap” between traffic since they are in a rush, but this dangerous accident can lead to broadside collisions which can be deadly.
If you have a solid green light while waiting to turn left, remember that it means you need to yield to the oncoming traffic until it’s clear. The same is true for a flashing yellow left turn signal. Always wait until there are no vehicles in sight before making your turn.
Conversely, if you are turning right on red if allowed, the rule is exactly the same. Don’t try to shoot a gap in the traffic. Instead, simply wait until it’s clear on all sides before making the turn.
Misunderstanding Right-of-Way with Pedestrians and Cyclists
Far too many drivers on the road make violations to right of way rules when pedestrians or cyclists are present. Remember that even if a pedestrian steps into the road unexpectedly you need to yield to them. Jaywalking isn’t legal in many states but that doesn’t mean you can just hit a pedestrian; after all you have a duty of care as a driver.
It is also the responsibility of every driver to yield to bicyclists on the road. In certain situations bicyclists can take the lane on the road but be aware that you still need to yield to them as a result. Trying to speed around a biker is dangerous when they are in a shared space, so avoid doing so unless you are certain you can pass safely and legally.
As a note, also remember that you need to yield to school buses. While you may not see anyone, there could be a child about to cross over the crosswalk and there have been far too many horrific incidences of cars speeding around a bus only to collide with a child.
Right-of-Way Confusion in Parking Lots
One area many drivers get confused on with right of way laws is parking lots. The main lane in a parking lot always has the right of way, followed by those in a feeder lane. A person backing out of a space always needs to yield to these groups. Above all else, though, remember that pedestrians have the ultimate right of way in a parking lot. Failing to adhere to these rules can lead to a wreck or injuries.
Failing to Yield to Emergency Vehicles
While it’s a rule that’s been ingrained in many people from the days of driving school, too many people don’t yield for emergency vehicles. When a car with sirens and lights is coming from behind or in front, it is your job to pull over as close to the curb as possible to make room. Blocking emergency responders can lead to injuries and death for whoever they are responding too which is why it’s so dangerous.
If you are in an intersection when they are coming, though, try to drive forward out of the intersection rather than stopping there. You have no idea which way the emergency vehicle needs to go and by stopping in the intersection you may inadvertently block them.
Learn to yield properly on the road
There are many right of way mistakes drivers make on the road and even a small one can lead to a collision with another vehicle or pedestrian. Rather than allowing this to occur, focus on being more aware in the road and driving defensively. When in doubt, allow another driver to go rather than run the risk of an accident. Also, take the time to refresh yourself on the local traffic laws in your area so that you can stay safer on the road.